Sunday, April 26, 2009

551 dessa darling I was going to start this like….Friday, but I am easily distracted. Then I was going to do it after lunch today (Sunday) but me and my sister went to go see Obsessed! That movie is the! Plus I love me some Beyonce! Then when I got home I was looking at tattoo ideas. Then that made me think of the rapper Dessa and that made me listen to her song 551. I love that song so much! It’s the! Well I should probably start this now so here it goes…

What do you notice about the language Anderson uses? What is the purpose of doing so? How is it effective? Anderson uses a lot of slang words from the time that the book is set in. He made up a lot of sayings and words like, meg, unit, null, youch, and slop-bucket. That pulls you in to the book more because it is in the view of a teenager and if it was written like an adult, and used 2006 slang it would kinda pull you out. Like if you have ever seen the Romeo + Juliet, the one with Leonardo Dicaprio, you know what I’m saying because it is placed in the future but they still used Shakespearean language. That made me mad and took me out of the movie completely! And even though Anderson uses future slang you can still understand what the characters are talking about. And if you don’t… it is fun trying to guess what the words mean.

What are the science fiction elements on this novel, why is it categorized as science fiction? The science fiction element to the novel is that it is set in the future and the whole aspect of the “feed” is very sci-fi. Because it’s about how humans have been implanted with this weird chip . The book reminds me of Kurt Vonnegut’s Utopia-15, because they are both set in the future and they both are about what it’s like when humans relay too much on technology and we no longer are able to do simple things, you know like thinking.

The book is dedicated, “To all those who resist the feed.” What exactly is the feed? What does it mean to resist the feed? Is there anything similar today, and in what ways do you (or people you know) resist the feed? What are the advantages or disadvantages of having a feed? The feed is a form of technology that is placed in a person’s head that pretty much thinks for you. The only thing that is like a feed now is the media. I think that because there are a lot of people who base their lives on what the media and famous people say. Like in one episode of Law and Order: SVU when that girl killed people because this singer guy that she was in love with told her to. There are a lot of people who get themselves into a lot of trouble with not thinking for themselves. People look to the media to figure out what to wear, what to think, what to talk about, and what to believe in. People who think and act how they want to and not how people say they should are resisting the feed.

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