My topic is Consumerism. Consumerism is the attachment to materialistic values or possessions: deplored the rampant consumerism of contemporary society..... thats what it said online which doesnt really help since i know about half of what the qute thing says.... but to me it means when people consume greater amounts of things then what they actual need and what they need.
I chose this picture because it shows how alot of people feel and how people see the things they have and the things that they buy as who they are insted of what kind of person that they are.


The picture says that people will buy things even thought they dont have the money to buy the things which will always come back and bite you in the ass because it will most likely put you in debt wich sucks ass.
I chose these pictures because they discribe (in pictures) what consumerism means. Also how people define themselves by what they have and buy.
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